
What Goes Into Your Body

"You can't out exercise a bad diet"

This quote is one that should be imbedded in your head in BOLD when trying to lose weight or get healthy. No matter how much you exercise, you cannot out exercise a diet regime that is unhealthy. 

We emphasize healthy eating so much not only for those trying to lose weight but for those trying to lead a healthy lifestyle. 

Now let's face it as much as most of us have the best intentions of eating healthy, healthy options are either too expensive or impractical, right?

So my advice: START SMALL. 
Healthy eating doesn't require you to revamp your whole fridge. 
Start with An apple a day. 
Cut out drinking too many fizzy drinks, energy drinks or even juices that claim to be 100% (these are all loaded with simple sugars) 
Increase your water intake 
Add a serving of fruit or vegetable to every meal.

These small tweaks to your everyday life can make a huge difference in the long run. 

With all the easy processed foods and delicious take-outs available today we need to make a conscious decision to put our health first. Take care of your body. Love yourself enough to know that your body deserves greatness ;) 

So start with an apple a day. 




  1. I thought I could outrun my unhealthy eating by counting calories in vs calories out. Until I saw the latest documentary Fed Up where they explain it's not as simple as that. Great advice! Thanks for sharing :)


  2. Hi Paola, Thank you for the comment! Before becoming a personal trainer I used to think the same way. Unfortunately it is not that easy and we do need to pay attention to what we eat.

    -Cindy (Doha)

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