
Wednesday, June 10, 2015


My teen years presented me with the most amazing years a girl could ever ask for. From being a teen queen, to graduating high school among the top of my class, my teen years taught me a lot. Those years are now over and although I made many stupid teenage mistakes I did learn some valuable life lessons believe it or not...

Time spent. Once time is spent you cannot get it back. From a young age I chose to spend my time wisely. To invest it. To put it into things I found value in and into things out of which I would reap rewards. I spent my time generously on my modeling, on bettering myself as a dancer and on school. I invested in my family, in my friends. I spent my time growing my relationship with God. Ultimately it would be my faith that would assist me in reaping all the rewards from the things I had invested in. And indeed it was. If you love something you'll invest in it, so spend your time on the things that you love. 

Today. Today I look back on my life. I look at how far I've come and how far God has brought me. I look back on my failures & my mistakes, and I see how they paved the way to my successes. I look back at the times I got hurt, when I was down, and I see that I am still standing today and I wonder why I spent all that time worrying unnecessarily. What a waste. I look back and I'm amazed by how many lessons are now engraved in my being from situations that I thought would actually scar me. Out of every bad situation comes a good lesson learned. 

Relationships. They come and go. I learned that fairly soon in my life.  People are put into your life for a reason. It may be for just a season but it's for a purpose. I learned to cherish people and to make the most out of the time I had with individuals. When a relationship(friendship) ends, whether good or bad, the time I spent with the person I never regret. Love unconditionally and give your all into every friendship/relationship.

Happiness. I learned that happiness is a choice and I have to find joy in myself before looking for it in other people. Love the feeling of being happy and exude happiness into the lives of others.

Twenty. Here's to my future. I am grateful for the victories and failures, the joy and pain, the ups and downs. If I think my teen years were my best years, I have yet to see what amazing things God has in store for me. Here's to being undoubtedly ready to take on Twenty and all that comes with it.

- Cindy 


  1. Wow 20 and it seems like you've experienced quite a lot. I wish I could be as joyous about the past as you are. I spent a lot of time in my shell and am now trying to break free. Here's to having life and here's to enjoying it until the end. This was a very inspiring post.

    New Instagram follower.

    Olive Needs Popeye

  2. Hi there!
    Thank you for commenting on our post.
    Regardless of what you've been through in your past, what matters is where you are now and what you are willing to make of your future.

    Here's to making the most of the future, together!

